What can you do to help?
Consider a financial contribution
If you have resources, and would like to support our effort, please submit your contact info to the right. At some point soon we expect to need funds to secure the Hutch, but this is currently premature. If you identify yourself as a possible contributor, we will contact you when the time is right.
Thank you for your interest and generosity!
All contact info will be held in strict confidentiality and only used for this purpose.
Consider contacting the University
We would love to have you help us out by telling the University your opinion about this situation.
The best efforts at this point are to engage with the University leadership to let them know the community wants the Hutch back doing what it was always intended to do.
Here are some talking points to get you started:
Provide your connection to the Hutch - resident, former student, donor, etc.
The University should acknowledge the clear message from the community, that the Hutch continue to serve broad-based community interests and needs.
The University should take an expansive look at the benefits it receives, beyond the selling price, from transferring ownership to an organization that represents the broad-based mid-coast community.
How your impression of the University will be shaped by their final decision.
How your future donations to the University would be affected by their final decision.
UMS Trustees
University of Maine System Board of Trustees
15 Estabrooke Drive, Office 251, Orono, Maine 04469
UM President
Joan Ferrini-Mundy
University of Maine Office of the President
5703 Alumni Hall, Suite 200, Orono, Maine 04469
UMS Chancellor
Dannell Malloy
University of Maine System Chancellor’s Office
15 Estabrooke Drive, Orono, ME 04469
UMS Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration
Ryan Low
Maine Governor
Governor Janet Mills
State House Station 1, Augusta, ME 04333
Web: https://www.maine.gov/governor/mills/contact/share-your-opinion
All emails: ums.trustees@maine.edu, umpresident@maine.edu, rowenac@maine.edu, governor@state.me.us