Concerned about the future of the Hutchinson Center?

Future of the Hutchinson Center Steering Committee

This group, referred to here as FHCSC, was formed in August, 2023, shortly after the announcement that the University of Maine would be closing the Hutchinson Center. The Hutchinson Center was built to be an adult educational facility. The group’s focus has been on retaining The Hutch, as it is known, as a public, educational, cultural, and community center dedicated to serving the mid-coast region, as it was originally intended.

Since the original announcement, this group has been trying to work with the University to chart a course forward that preserves the mission of The Hutch.

Read the timeline on this site to follow the events that have transpired.

If you want to assist in this effort, please see the section on helping out.

Our Mission

Our mission is to retain the Hutchinson Center as a space where educational, cultural and community groups can offer classes and events to expand learning opportunities for area residents of all ages.  Specifically, we plan to provide rental or cost sharing space to

  • one or more degree granting institutions to offer undergraduate and graduate courses

  • Senior College Belfast to offer classes and the opportunity for social interchange among senior citizens of the area

  • not-for-profit organizations to offer art, cultural, musical, and theatrical events and activities of all kinds open to the community

  • governmental, not-for-profit organizations, and businesses to hold conferences.  

There are no adequate spaces in the mid-coast area that can meet any of these needs.  Organizations in each of these categories have reached out to work with us when this seems possible.

Who Are We?

Let us introduce ourselves

Timeline of Key Events

Here is a timeline of events, from the perspective of the FHCSC, since the original announcement that the Hutch was being closed by the University of Maine.

Helping Out

What can you do?

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